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Dette kurset har ingen fremtidige kursdato(er) oppført. Bruk skjemaet for å kontakte kursholderen for mer informasjon.
Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as pods, containers, deployments, and services; as well as networks and application services. This course also covers deploying practical solutions including security and access management, resource management, and resource monitoring.
This course teaches participants the following skills:
Module 1: Introduction to Google Cloud Platform
Module 2: Containers and Kubernetes in GCP
Module 3: Kubernetes Architecture
Module 4: Kubernetes Operations
Module 5: Deployment, Jobs, and Scaling
Module 7: Persistent Data and Storage
Module 8: Access Control and Security in Kubernetes and Kubernetes Engine
Module 9: Logging and Monitoring
Module 10: Using GCP Managed Storage Services from Kubernetes Applications
To get the most out of this course, participants should have:
All courses will be delivered in partnership with ROI Training, Google Cloud Premier Partner, using a Google Authorized Trainer.
This class is intended for the following participants:
Se flere kurs fra Bouvet Norge AS (103)
535 Kurs i Kurs i programvare og applikasjoner
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